Sunday, January 29, 2006

Six daily clicks

Every day that I am online (which is pretty much 362 days a year ) , I click on the following six sites at the start of the day. All the clicks are free and all the other sites are linked via banners on the top after your click. It should take no more than 90 seconds a day to make a little difference to this fucked up world we live in !!If there are any more sites like this that help worldwide , please leave the link in a comment.

  • The Hunger Site : A daily click gives 1.1 cups of food to the hungry worldwide. In 2005 nearly 53 million cups of food were funded.
  • The Child Health Site : A daily click helps restore vison to blind children, prevents life-threatening disease and helps child amputees to walk. In 2005 visitors clicks funded health services to more than 486,000 kids worldwide.
  • The Breast Cancer Site : In 2005 visitor clicks funded more than 2500 mammograms for underpriviliged women.
  • The Animal Rescue Site : In 2005 visitor clicks funded nearly 30.6 million bowls of food for animals sheltering in sanctuaries.
  • The Rainforest Site : A daily click saves 11.4 sq. feet of endangered rain forest . In 2005 visitor clicks funded the preservation and protection of 360,513,660 sq. feet of rainforest.
  • The Literacy Site : In 2005 visitor clicks funded more than 868,000 free books for children who would otherwise not have the oppurtunity.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Yahoo - serious ?

For many years I have thought Yahoo was shit and now they finally admit to not being interested in being No.1 in the search engine world. I have never really used Yahoo to search anything and find that it's slow to crawl websites for new information. Google for whatever its misgivings and the continual moaning one reads about in the web forums is the still the world's No.1 search engine with an approximate 60% slice of the search engine pie, and also has a greater charisma than Yahoo in its corporate image. Google's revenue is far greater despite being a younger company than Yahoo and I aslo respect Google's current stance in not handing over search information to the Govt. A year ago Microsoft's MSN was touted as being the new kid on the search block to eventually catch up with Google. As one has seen that Microsoft has got enough problems on its hand with a Swiss cheese browser that is riddled with security holes and still hasn't changed an OS after nearly 5 years, should we hold our breath for MSN to perform? Yahoo's admission to not being interested in being No.1 in search dominance is not an encouraging stance for the company to take and doesn't help in Yahoo being taken seriously. Perhaps its too late for them to pull their finger out .... ?? Tags: Yahoo + Google + MSN + search engines

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Ego Surfing with egoSurf.

ego Surf is a new site where bloggers can massage their ego and see what their ''ego-points '' are for rankings for their blogs in Google, Yahoo, MSN, Technorati and . One simply enters their name and their blogs name without the www. and gets their ego-ranking as a point total. A button is available to add to your blog for others to see your ego ranking. egoWatch and ego-Rank will be coming soon. Not terribly accurate at the moment, but an amusing ego-wank !! (a recent ego-Surf showed a total of 11,584 Ego-points for this blog). Tags: egoSurf + egosurfing + egoWatch + egoRank

Sunday, January 01, 2006

time 2006

The Rolling Stones bust their own record for the biggest take in tour history at $162 million leaving U2's arsewipe arenas way behind.... All Peers might blow Firefox's popularity through the roof if their P2P extension works .... a new feed icon replaces all other XML RSS Atom etc icons with a choice of colours at Feed Icons .... though as I write the public ''Gracias no Fumar'' signs will be pasted everywhere in Spain with their new Anti-Smoking Laws , Almeria's '' La Voz de Almeria '' headline states that 80% of bars and restaurants in the Almeria province will allow smoking as ..... time takes a cigarette and extends itself by a leap second at the dawn of 2006 , first celebrated by Kiritimati on the Christmas Islands followed by a mundane countdown to the New Year at Time and .... here's to a better year than 2005 with less natural disasters , plane crashes, greedy wars and less crass stupidity from the world's biggest war-mongering, cunt-faced cowboy rectum, George .....