Wings by Winston cigarettes
As I went to buy a carton of Winston cigarettes in my local tobacconist in Tabernas, I saw a new window display saying '' Wings by Winston ''. Curious that a new flavour of Winston had come out I bought a couple of the stronger Red packs. I then looked for them on the Net and found no references to them esp. in Winston's website . It turned out that they were manufactured in the E.U. by JT International, the world's third largest international tobacco manufacturer, who bought RJRI, the international wing of R.J.Reynolds Tobacco Co. in 1999.
Despite all the bullshit one reads on their site about the Youth Smoking Prevention program etc . it seems they are trying to hit the younger 16-25 year old market as the price at 2.10 Euros is 65 cents less than a regular pack of Winston. Unfortunately Wings tastes like shit !!
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